27th February 2025 | Issue 258

In the news this week from Rowan Class…

Children’s Mental Health Week took place on the 3rd to the 9th of February 2025. The theme this year was ‘know yourself, grow yourself.’ Pupils through out the school participated in different activities designed to help them understand their emotions and grow in their ability to connect with others to form strong and healthy relationships.

In Rowan class the pupils reflected on different tools they could use to support them move between the coloured emotional zones.

As well as identifying with the emotions from the film Inside Out.


As a class the pupils decided to organise a cake sale to support this important charity. Parents and pupils made chocolate cakes.

“I liked mixing the rice krispies with the chocolate. It smelt yummy,” said Arabella

“My favourite part was putting the chocolate eggs on top of them after we had made them,” stated Evelyn.

“I like eating the marshmallows off the cakes best,” said Molly.

“I liked sharing one with my Nan after she bought one,” said Lena

The pupils are proud to announce they raised £103.75 from the cake sale. Thank you to everyone who supported this event.

Updates & Reminders

World Book Day 2025

Take part in our in-school exhibition by turning a potato into one of your favourite characters from a book.

Bring your well-dressed potato, along with the book that inspired you, into school on Thursday 6th March.

Thank you to everyone who has sent pre-loved books to school for the Book Sale on World Book Day. Children will be having a book-themed morning with their Forest Buddies on World Book Day. During the afternoon there will be an exhibition in the hall of the children’s potato characters. The exhibition will be open for you to visit with your children at 3.15pm; entry will be via the front garden, where you will also find the Book Sale. If you are collecting children from Multiskills at 4.15pm and would like to look at the exhibition with your child, please do so when you collect your child from the front garden when the club ends.

Dates for your Diary:

Friday 14th March - NCMP and Vision Screening for Reception Children (Information sent by email to Reception Parents)

Friday 14th March - NCMP for Year 6 Pupils (Information sent by email to Year 6 Parents)

Tuesday 18th March, Wednesday 19th March and Thursday 20th March - Parent Teacher Meetings - Appointments will be available to book from midday on Wednesday 5th March via your school website log in. Bookings will close on Monday 17th March.

Message from St Mary's Church


All are very welcome at our


when we will learn about


In Church at 11am on

2 March 2025

Message from the PTA

World Book Day Book Sale

On Thursday 6th March we will be holding a children's book sale after school. If you have any children's books you would like to donate then please bring them to school this week. There will be a box in the playground to put them in.


Rags2Riches clothing collection

Don't forget to bring your bags of preloved good quality clothes up to school next Monday morning (3rd March) for the next Rags2Riches clothing collection. We receive a cash donation for the clothes you donate and your clothes go over to help families in the Ukraine.


Your current trustees are:
Lucy Crawford - Chair (Yr 2)
Emma Austin - Vice-Chair (Yr 1 and 3)
Charlotte Noakes - Secretary (Reception and Yr 3)
Laura Smith - Treasurer (Yr1 and 5)
Catherine Hall - Treasurer (Yr 3)

Remember: Please be aware that we have children in school with serious food allergies. To ensure the safety of all of our children please avoid sending your child to school with anything that contains nuts this includes sandwiches containing peanut butter or chocolate spread.

Useful Links
Here is the NHS Is my child too ill for school information.
As parents and carers, there are ways we can support our children to give them the best chance to stay mentally healthy. Encouraging and guiding a child to think about their own mental health and wellbeing are vital skills you can teach them from a young age. Children's mental health - Every mind matters

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