Launton Church of England Primary School
NURSERY Provision
Excellent quality nursery provision in a caring and stimulating environment.
Expertly planned curriculum focused on improving individuals' early learning and development.
Education led and managed by highly qualified teachers with high staffing ratios.
Well resourced, purpose-built setting.
Extensive grounds in which to explore, play and learn.
Children attending our Nursery Provision can also attend our wraparound care provision please follow the link below for more information
Please see below for information about admissions, if you have any questions contact the School Office - office.3085@launton.oxon.sch.uk
The Early Years are a time where children progress and grow at a rapid rate and where children are bursting with awe and wonder, fun and joy. All staff recognise the special responsibility they hold as custodians of the early years and they do not lose sight of this treasured opportunity. We recognise that learning begins at birth and continues throughout life. We acknowledge that everyone has the ability to be a competent learner, regardless of disability or other special needs.
All children follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. The principles that guide us are grouped into four themes:
A Unique Child –Every child is a unique child who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured.
Positive Relationships – Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships.
Enabling Environments – Children learn and develop well in enabling environments, in which their experiences respond to their individual needs and there is a strong partnership between staff and parents and carers.
Learning and Development – Children develop and learn in different ways. Practitioners teach children by ensuring challenging, playful opportunities across the prime and specific areas of learning and development (development Matters).
While fostering the characteristics of effective early learning
- Playing and exploring
- Active learning
- Creating and thinking critically
Launton CE Primary School Nursery Class admission arrangements
These arrangements are in line with the Oxfordshire County Council Policy for Admission to Local Authority Nursery Classes
Admission arrangements to the nursery class
Children are normally admitted to the nursery class the term following their third birthday and at the start of a school term, i.e.: September, January and April.
There are 48 places available with 24 morning places (8.30-11.30am) and 24 afternoon places (12.00-3.00pm), which is in line with the Universal Entitlement of 15 funded hours per week, to which every child is entitled. Of those 48 places, up to 6 pupils may be offered a 30- hour place (or more if fewer 15- hour places are requested).
Government Funding for nursery places
There are two government funded options available to parents:
- Universal Entitlement- 15 funded hours per week, term time only, to which all children are entitled
- Extended Entitlement- some children from working families may be entitled to 30 hours funding, term time only, according to specific criteria. Information about eligibility and how to apply can be accessed at 30 hours free childcare
Children are offered a morning place or an afternoon place (but not split sessions), or a 30- hour place. Where children have a morning place and their parent/ carer wishes to pay for regular afternoon sessions, we will accommodate this where space allows.
Places are offered on the condition that the full 15- hour/ 30- hour funding is given to Launton Nursery Class and that Launton Nursery Class is named as the primary setting. If a full day place is offered, or parents/ carers have paid for regular afternoon sessions, children may remain in the nursery for lunch club for which there is a small charge. Parents may book a hot lunch from The School Lunch Company (the catering company that provides meals in our school), or provide a packed lunch.
If you are interested in a nursery place, please contact the school office directly. If you wish to apply for a September place, please send your application form by 1st May, If you wish to apply for a January place, please send your application form by 1st October, If you wish to apply for a place after Easter, please send your application form by 1st February.
As for all schools (due to county admission procedures), there is no guarantee that the nursery aged children who start in the nursery class will necessarily have a full -time place in the reception year of the school.
Applications for school admissions should be made via the Oxfordshire County Council admissions team. The schools’ admission arrangements and link to Oxfordshire County Council website can be found on our school website under admissions. We follow the OCC admissions policy.